What in the world is a maximalist?

Do you love rich, colorful pattens? Do you like to “collect” things? Do you, in fact, have a collection or collections? Do you mix eras and styles and textures in your decor? Do you always err on the side of too much rather than too little? If so, you might be a maximalist like me.

A maximalist is the opposite of a minimalist. Those of us with maximalist tendencies are drawn to excess and even redundancy. (One might be so bold as to call my 12 teapots a little redundant. Especially since my husband is the only one around here who drinks tea.)

Maximalists don’t have to be clutter freaks or hoarders. We just like the feel of more around us. Bare walls make us nervous. Our refrigerators usually stay at maximum capacity. If we travel, we like to visit a new place every couple of days and fit in as much as we can. If we are crafty sorts of people, our craft closets/fabric drawers are so full of beautiful prints and stripes and solids that it’s sometimes hard to close them. When we find a half-price sale on our favorite shirts, we think, “Great! I can buy twice as many!” (And not, like my husband thinks, “Oh, good, I only have to pay half as much.”)

If any of this describes you, then welcome to my tribe! I love your style, friend. 

 A few of my favorite collections: